Three phones levitating with UI of the Posti app
Two phones levitating with UI of the Posti app
Service Design

Posti: Parcel packaging aide for urgent senders.

University-mediated project for Posti
2 months
User Research
Satu Paavonsalo
Utano Oyamada
Hitomi Asaka

Users feel overwhelmed and stressed when sending urgent parcels online - often experiencing doubt.


We thoroughly analyzed the user's experience and journey.

Gained a deep understanding of the urgent parcel shipping process and the emotions users experience through interviews and hands-on experience.
The whole service map of the Posti sending process of urgent packages
Service map + User journey
The whole service map with the  most cruicial painpoints of the service map highlighted
Main pain points highlighted
The most cruicial painpoints of the service map highlighted
Pain point to solve

Solution: a reassuring flow within the Posti app that utilizes existing knowledge to aide urgent senders.


by Utano Oyamada
1st photo of the Posti storyboard - User realising that he needs to send a package urgently.Second picture of the Posti storyboard - Assistant introducing himself to the user  in the hpone view3rd picture of the Posti storyboard - User getting instructions from packaging assistant4th picture of the Posti storyboard - Getting visual examples of correct packaging
5th picture of the Posti storyboard person putting the package into the lockerLast picture of the Posti storyboard - the user is notified that the package is being handeled correctly

Flow chart

Optimized for efficiency and reassurance to cater for our target audience: humans, sending urgent parcels.

Flow chart

Optimized for efficiency and reassurance to cater for our target audience: humans, sending urgent parcels.

Chat-based approach has proven to provide reassurance and was the easiest to navigate in a hurry.

Complete wireframe
Complete wireframe of the Posti flow
Example frames
4 example frames of the Posti final wireframe.

Leveraging the same software utilized in shipment warehouses.

The flow ensures that the handwriting on the parcel is correct and legible.
First UI Prototype
Sceenshot of a figma file of the first prototype of the Posti flow
Final flow
Screenshot of the final prototype in figma of the Posti flow
Four phones with the most important steps of the Posti UI: Chat, Camera, Scanning, And Succes pageFour phones with the most important steps of the Posti UI.
Photo of a person scanning a package using he posti prototype.

Try Figma prototype yourself


Potential retention rate increase

Especially first-time users have signaled that our proposal made them feel more acknowledged.

Decrease in stress after sending

“I don’t think I would feel stressed about the delivery now that I saw I have done everything correctly” *User evaluation

Reduced self doubt

“having the labelling example and photo verification would have helped me previously, when I was not sure if I wrote the necessary information in the correct places”

Increased revenue potential

“if the online process was this easy, I would probably use the app instead of going to the outlet because this seems faster and I wouldn’t have to deal with people”.
Read project report
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Selecting the right research method

Understanding the feelings of a person is a sensitive topic and requires careful consideration of research method.

Importance of user journey

Problems need to be approached in the context of the whole user journey.

This helps identify areas for improvement, and streamline interactions.

User Empathy and Experience

Understanding user perspectives and emotions is crucial for creating valuable designs.

Subjectivity of emotion

Emotions and feelings people experience are completely subjective and hardly generalisable.